Notizie ed eventi
Scientific Instrument Symposium 2023

...ed as a dwarf planet), discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801 at the Observatory, and the first artificially produced chemical element, technetium, discovered by Emilio Segrè and Carlo Perrier in 1937 at the Physics Institute of the University. These two important achievements prove the existence of a long scientific tradition, whose heritage is still preserved in many institutions, where various historical scientific collections remain on display....

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Notizie ed eventi
Addio a John Heilbron

..., I proposed to him to give the keynote speech at our annual Congress held for 2023 in Padova last September to celebrate the 400^th anniversary of the publication of The Assayer, with his usual generosity and curiosity he immediately accepted the proposal and thus gave us his latest scientific contribution about Galileo’s book: . As fate would have it, he passed away right in the P...

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XXXV Convegno della Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2015

...nfo B&B Cento Passi dal Duomo Via Montetini, 13 - 52100 Arezzo 0575 250048 B&B Camera Caffè Centro Via Guido Monaco, 92 - 52100 Arezzo 392 591 1326 B&B In Centro Piazza Guido Monaco, 10 - 52100 Arezzo 349 055 6875 - 339 171 3978 Locanda di San Pier Piccolo Via Bicchieraia, 32 - 52100 Arezzo 0575 20792 - 328 715 9552 *** In occasione del Convegno SISFA 2015, l'Hotel Continen...

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Documenti ufficiali

...o SISFA Best Paper Prize 2017 (31 luglio 2017) SISFA Best Paper Prize 2017 for papers in the History of Physics or History of Astronomy, published by under 35 Authors in recognised journals of the field For the year 2017 the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA) announces a single Best Paper Prize selection for papers in the History of Physics or History of Astronomy, with a maximum of two Authors, published in recognise...

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XXXVIII Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy – Messina 2018

...Bus Catania Airport to Messina (FS Station, Piazza Repubblica 11): Orari e linee -> Regionali -> Messina • Catania • APT Fontanarossa - From Reggio Calabria Airport to Messina: Le Linee -> Pronti si vola collegamenti Messina Aeroporto dello Stretto - Bus Palermo (FS Station) to Messina (FS Station, Piazza Repubblica 11): Orari e linee -> Regionali -> Palermo Messina...

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...ono la fruizione dei servizi online, ove disponibili, erogati tramite il sito Le presenti informazioni non riguardano altri siti, pagine o servizi online raggiungibili tramite link ipertestuali eventualmente pubblicati nel sito ma riferiti a risorse esterne al dominio dei beni culturali dell’INAF. Titolare del trattamento Titolare del trattamento è la SISFA, nella persona del suo legale rappresentante, con sede in Via Giulio Cesare...

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XXXII Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy 2012

...of science, Foundations of science, Historical epistemology of science, History and epistemology of chemistry, History and epistemology of cosmology, History and epistemology of physics, History and epistemology of science, History epistemology of mathematics, History of architecture, History of astronomy, History of biology, History of chemistry, History of cosmology, History of engineering, History of foundations of science, History of medicine,...

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Premio SISFA 2023

...Inoltre al vincitore sarà offerta l’iscrizione alla SISFA per gli anni 2023 e 2024. Scarica Premio-SISFA-2023 Scarica Domanda-partecipazione-premio-SISFA-2023 Scarica La locandina Il vincitore Lorenzo De Piccoli Università di Firenze Silentium Universi. Storia del SETI e del Paradosso di Fermi...

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Notizie ed eventi
6th International Conference of European Society for the History of Science

...n of science, technology and medicine, which gives voice to various actors and to their different, often contradictory, agendas. Within this framework, science, technology and medicine are envisaged as active forms of communication, to such an extent as ultimately blurring the distinction between the making and the communicating of science, technology and medicine. The 6th ESHS aims at stimulating historical and historiographical studies and debat...

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Notizie ed eventi
Universities and their contested pasts

...ic historians. However, in recent years, attention has been drawn to the uncomfortable past of some of these institutions. Protests around the world have prompted universities associated with colonialism, slavery and inequality to face up to, and reconsider, their own histories. Presently, institutions are subject to calls from inside and outside their own walls to answer uncomfortable questions about: where their funding has its origins, the land...

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