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Edoardo Amaldi and Science without Borders

...without Borders, English version of the Italian film La Scelta, by E. Agapito and Adele La Rana.   11 December 2019, 16:25 CERN Auditorium   On the 30th anniversary of Edoardo Amaldi’s death, the film tells the story of the life and works of one of the most relevant scientific figures of the 20th century, from his commitment to the creation of CERN and ESA and the reconstruction of European physics to his contributions to the search of gravitation...

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Parole per Paolo

...restano le testimonianze della sua competenza e maestria. Sia questo di conforto alla famiglia e quanti l’hanno conosciuto.   Laura Serra ______________________   Una perdita incolmabile! Sono rimasto annichilito! Proprio l’altro ieri ci siamo sentiti in merito a delle problematiche su telefono di Reis che sto ricostruendo. Mi mancherà moltissimo, ma più che per la sua competenza, per la sua amicizia. Un amico impagabile, disponibile, allegro e ge...

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Copernicus and Italy

...his teacher in Rome surrounded by artists and scholars – will focus on the multi-faceted relations between Copernicus and Italy, that is, considered in their wide and inter-related biographical, historical, cultural and scientific aspects.   deadline for abstract submission 21 May 2023   web page: 1 Rome, 28-30 September 2023 400...

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XL national congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy

...    The XL national congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy will be held online on 8 – 10 September 2020.   The web page for the general informations and for registration has the following address:       facce da SISFA 2020       Italia Italia Italia 1 The 2020 national congress of SISFA will be held online on 7 - 11 September 2020. 239...

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XXX Convegno della Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2010

...a di numerose lapidi che ricordano le abitazioni dello scienziato Federico Commandino, e di diversi costruttori urbinati di strumenti scientifici quali Simone, Giovanni Battista, Giovanni Maria Barocci, Lorenzo Vagnarelli e Pompilio Bruni. L’oratorio venne costruito dalla omonima confraternita nel 1515 ed era formato da due cappelle: la più grande, che era una vera e propria chiesa, venne ricostruita verso la fine del ‘600 ed è un notevole esempio...

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Art, Image, and Astronomical Knowledge

...ons, reports), by empirical methods (experiment, measurement, observation) and by formulas (theory, computer models). Examples will range from the ancient and medieval world up to modern times and represent many cultures and geographic places. The sessions will also consider how, beginning in the early modern period and later, the mass reproduction of artworks and technical drawings via engraving and lithographic techniques, as well photomechanica...

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Notizie ed eventi
Festival della Scienza 2023 ’30, alla base delle applicazioni sviluppate poi negli Stati Uniti: reattore nucleare e bomba atomica. La narrazione prosegue descrivendo il periodo della guerra e il successivo impegno di Amaldi per la nascita del CERN (Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire) e dell’ESA (European Space Agency), per l’uso pacifico dell’energia nucleare e la difesa dei diritti umani. La proiezione sarà seguita da una discussione con il pubblico sulle frontiere d...

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Angelo Secchi and nineteenth century science

...century science The multidisciplinary contributions of a pioneer and innovator   Editors: Ileana Chinnici, Guy Consolmagno   ISBN: 978-3-030-58383-5 Springer, 2021   Angelo Secchi was a key figure in 19th century science. An Italian Jesuit and scientist, he helped lead the transition from astronomy to astrophysics and left a lasting legacy in the field. Secchi’s spectral classification of stars was a milestone that paved the way for modern astrono...

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De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period

...vities at the then recently founded University of Paris. It soon became a mandatory text all over Europe. As a result, a tradition of commentaries to the text was soon established and flourished until the second half of the 17th century. Here, readers will find an informative overview of these commentaries complete with a rich context. The essays explore the educational and social backgrounds of the writers. They also detail how their careers deve...

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International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education Francia, si terrà la prima International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education, organizzata dalla Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission (IDTC) e dalla MESHS. Al termine della scuola, il 26 giugno, vi sarà poi una tavola rotonda aperta a tutti gli interessati sul tema: Exploring Changes in How the Histories and Philosophies of Sciences Have Been Written: Interpreting the Dynamics of Change in these Sci...

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