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2nd International Summer School for Sciences | History and Philosophy of Sciences | Technology | Education

La 2nd International Summer School for Sciences | History and Philosophy of Sciences | Technology | Education – New HPS-Educational and Fundamental Insights si terrà a Lille (Francia) i prosssimi 11-12 ottobre 2017, ospitata dall’ Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission (IDTC), la Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (MESHS) di Lille e l’École doctorale Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (ED SHS) della Università di Lille. Pe...

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XLIII National Congress of SISFA

...a - Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia vicolo dell'Osservatorio Padova

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History for physics: Quantum foundations

...y for Physics of the University of Vienna (Austria). Jointly organized by the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna (IQOQI-Vienna) and the Max Planck Research Group “Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory Program” at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin, this symposium aims at demonstrating the importance of the history of physics within current research in physics itself.   The deadline...

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Biographies in the History of Physics the History of Physics Actors, Objects, Institutions Editors: Christian Forstner and Mark Walker Springer, 2020 ISBN 978-3-030-48509-2   This book sheds new light on the biographical approach in the history of physics by including the biographies of scientific objects, institutions, and concepts. What is a biography? Can biographies also be written for non-human subjects like scientific instruments, institutions or concepts? The respective chap...

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Women in the History of Science

...s, and objects, each primary source is accompanied by an explanatory text, questions to prompt discussion, and a bibliography to aid further research. Arranged by time period, covering 1200 BCE to the twenty-first century, and across 12 inclusive and far-reaching themes, this book is an invaluable companion to students and lecturers alike in exploring women’s history in the fields of science, technology, mathematics, medicine, and culture. UCLPres...

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...rumenta: Lo svegliarino monastico del duca Federico da Montefeltro di Roberto Mantovani – Vita della Società: Le ricchezze di “quelli che dopo lor verranno” di Salvatore Esposito – Novità editoriali: La scienza ai tempi di Dante di Danilo Capecchi. Echos 1 Equinozio d’autunno 2020, 22 settembre Focus: Si riparte! di Salvatore Esposito – In evidenza: Da Laura Bassi alle scienziate di domani di Adele La Rana – Preziosi tipi: De revolutionibus orbium...

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Notizie ed eventi
Reading the Book of Nature across Sciences, History and Philosophy

...e organised by SFI (Italian Society of Philosophy), SILFS (Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science) and SISS (Italian Society of History of Science), under the auspices of the Museo Galileo, Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Department of Humanities of University of Florence (DILEF) and the World Congress of Philosophy Rome 2024 to celebrate 400th anniversary of Galilei’s, IL SAGGIATORE   28-30 June 2023 Museo Galileo Florence,...

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Vincitore del Premio di Laurea SISFA 2023

...r la tesi: Silentium Universi. Storia del SETI e del Paradosso di Fermi La commissione, composta dai soci Sisfa: Leonardo Gariboldi, Roberto Lalli e Paolo Rossi, ha valutato il lavoro di tesi meritevole del premio per «l’ampio respiro cronologico… offrendo un contributo significativo e originale».   La premiazione è programmata per oggi 5 settembre alle 12:45, nella prima giornata del XLIII congresso Sisfa, seguita dalla comunicazione del vincitor...

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Michelson-Morley Experiments

...e loro misure fu molto piu’ piccolo della predizione classica ed interpretato come tipico effetto strumentale: un risultato “nullo”. Questo fu cruciale per le prime pionieristiche formulazioni degli effetti relativistici e, come tale, rappresenta una tappa fondamentale nella storia della scienza. Da allora, molte ripetizioni dell’esperimento originale sono state eseguite con accuratezza sempre maggiore e la conclusione tradizionale e’ stata sempre...

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Architectures of science: the Universities of Berlin in European perspective

...of the project Science in the City: 1 The online exhibit on the three Berlin universities invites visitors to reflect on the interrelationships between science, architecture and the city. 249...

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