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Epistemology and Natural Philosophy in the 18th Century

...focuses on the 18th century, which has often been considered uninteresting for the history of science, representing the transition from the age of genius and the birth of modern science (the 17th century) to the age of prodigious development in the 19th century. Yet the 18th century, the century of Enlightenment, as will be demonstrated here, was in fact characterized by substantial ferment and novelty.   Per consultare il volume: https://www.spri...

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Addio a Salvo D’Agostino

...ommenti, ecc., conoscendo le mie origini di fisico teorico. Mi mancherà molto, come mancherà molto alla comunità degli storici della fisica italiani. Salvatore Esposito ______________________   Troppo dolorosa è per me questa notizia e troppo poco tempo è passato per potere in qualche modo evitare l’indulgere in ricordi molto personali.di 35 anni di amicizia e di scambi di idee. Una cosa sola però vorrei almeno condividere con voi: Salvo mi ha chi...

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“Passion for Science”

...zzato sotto gli auspici dell’UNESCO. Il programma è pubblicato alla pagina Per partecipare è sufficiente inviare la registration form compilata (scaricabile dalla pagina sopra citata) all’indirizzo entro il 5 giugno. 1 365 "Passion for Science"...

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James Joule’s Bicentenary: Foundations and Nature of Science Teaching

...IDTC (Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission) Special Issue : James Joule’s Bicentenary: Foundations and Nature of Science Teaching Journal: Foundations of Science (Springer) Call for Papers Deadline: absract-proposal: 30th April 2019 | Final paper: 30th December 2019 Contacts: Raffaele Pisano, Paulo Maurício 1 151...

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Augusto Righi (1850-1920): un fisico nel mondo della ricerca luce di Maxwell. Ora il suo nome è ricordato per essere stato un ispiratore del grande Guglielmo Marconi, che impiegò, nei suoi primi esperimenti di telegrafia senza fili, proprio l’oscillatore a tre scintille di Righi, ma i suoi meriti vanno al di là di questa importantissima collaborazione. A lui si devono l’impiego spettacolare e originale dei microfoni e altoparlanti per trasmettere voci e suoni a distanza, open air (in telegrafia tradiz...

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Laura Bassi – the world’s first woman professor in natural philosophy

...for experimentation and private teaching. The aim is to provide a rounded and well-documented account of the scientific endeavors and achievements of a too often overlooked scientist who struggled to overcome the prejudices of her age.   Per consultare il volume: 1 editors: Luisa Cifarelli, Raffaella Simili, Springer, 2020 292...

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Reassessing scientific collaboration

...real collaborative practices in which scientists have been or are currently involved. It encourages scientists to reflect upon their actual practices and dealing with questions and ideas coming from different disciplines or specialties, while offering to historians, philosophers, and social scientists novel and fresh insights as well as an inside view for further research.   To participate, send a mail to:   More info on th...

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Astronomical observatories and chronometry

...d chronometry   Time, science and instruments (18th-20th Century)   International workshop 1-3 December 2021 Musée international d’horlogerie, La Chaux-de-Fonds   Programme   Poster   Streaming link 2 December password: wbGR3eTNV36   Streaming link 3 December password: 8x2XabdZ4dS   1 Time, Science and Instruments (18th-20th Century), International Workshop, 1-3 December 2021 334...

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XLI SISFA national congress

...ortunity to strengthen the collaborations and establish new links among the members of SISFA and the members of other scholarly societies, as well as researchers working in the same and in related fields.   Circulars, informations and registration form for the SISFA congress on the web page:         facce da SISFA Arezzo-2021       The 2020 national congress of SISFA will be held online on 7 - 11 September 2020. 306...

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New Opportunities & New Challenges in Times of COVID-19

...oses new challenges for universities, reshaping higher education for years to come. However, university collections and museums have been confronted with difficult times before. Twenty years ago, Universeum (in 2000) and UMAC (in 2001) were created in a period of crisis and profound change for university museums and collections. How we work together as an international community, sharing problems, ideas and new perspectives in times of crisis and...

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