Notizie ed eventi
Biographies in the History of Physics: Actors, Objects, and Institutions

...chen Physikalischen Gesellschaft) organizza un workshop per giovani ricercatori finalizzato a gettare nuova luce sull’approccio biografico alla storia della Fisica, in cui si include anche la “biografia” di oggetti scientifici e di istituzioniu. Il workshop, organizzato con il supporto della Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation, si terrà a Bad Honnef il 22-25 maggio 2018. La deadline per l’invio di abstract è fissata al 15 dicembre 2017. Per maggio...

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XLII National Congress of SISFA 1 Dipartimento di Geologia e di Fisica - Università di Perugia...

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XLIV National Congress of SISFA Astrofisico di Firenze Largo Enrico Fermi 5 Firenze

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Notizie ed eventi
The renaissance of general relativity in context

...ding the broad context in which the given computational approaches and case studies occurred. Written by an international and interdisciplinary group of expert authors, these chapters will bring readers to a more complete understanding of Einstein’s theory.   Per consultare il volume: a cura di Blum, Lalli & Renn, Springer, 2020 1 285...

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Notizie ed eventi
History of Physics, Theory and Nature of Science & People Without Frontiers

...3rd International Summer School for Sciences; History, Philosophy and Foundations of Sciences; Applied Sciences & Technology ; Education 3rd-6th June 2019, Lilliad Learning Center, Lille More information at the web site 1 150...

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Notizie ed eventi
The Mystery of Archimedes Giuseppe Boscarino.   “The approach to Archimedes is neither born by rhetorical and celebrative intents, nor by purely philological purpose, much less by intention of localistic exaltation. Archimedes does not belong only to the history of science and technology, but to something larger, to the history of the philosophy and the culture, in short, to the history of the human thought. Archimedes in his works does not refer to previous authors, ex...

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Notizie ed eventi
Digital after the crisis Academic Heritage Network   More informations at the webpage 1 Short term effects and long term impacts of COVID-19 on online collections and usage of digital tools for academic heritage 244...

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Notizie ed eventi
Global Perspectives on Science Diplomacy

...e a central issue in framing the relations between science, science policy and foreign relations. Presenting a broad range of cases from the second half of the twentieth century, this special issue offers new insights into the complex relations between science and diplomacy from a global perspective in turn showing the potential of diplomatic perspectives to reconfigure our understanding of the recent history of science.   To consult the volume: h...

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Notizie ed eventi
Osterbrock Book Prize to Ileana Chinnici

...(1818-1878) in English and will become the definitive work on this important figure in the history of astrophysics. 1 for her biography of Angelo Secchi 276...

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...zo dei cookies I cookies: definizione ed uso I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che i siti visitati dagli utenti inviano ai loro terminali, ove vengono memorizzati per essere poi ritrasmessi agli stessi siti alla visita successiva. I cookie sono usati per differenti finalità: esecuzione di autenticazioni informatiche, monitoraggio di sessioni, memorizzazione di informazioni su specifiche configurazioni riguardanti gli utenti che accedono al serve...

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